For the past week now I have had an image and a connected idea going through my head, the image is a wave (such as we see 2D waves represented with a peak and trough) with another slower wave overlapping the primary.
I have been analyzing what I call "general feels" or the seemingly random ambient energy around myself for a few years now learning more about where certain information or feelings are coming from and what they mean, its like crawling through a dark cave. You slowly piece together the image of a cave in your mind by touching all the walls in the dark.
Something about the general feels I've learned is there are various overtones of energy harmonizing on many levels, there is a collective overtone for all species and even noticeable differences in certain locations either due to the life present there or the geography itself. So, there is invisible energy coming off all things and non-things and its constant, very confusing and effects us in many ways.
The most common energy I've seen our species become familiarized with is those from planetary bodies such as in Astrology.
Galactic Core::
There has been a lot of talk in the metaphysics, ufo/extraterrestrial field in the photon band, or the light belt (many many names) being a beam or wave of high vibrational energy that was aimed at our pretty blue planet in 2012. Since that day I have felt a strange tone of positivity in the air even noticeable on the 21st of December that year.
Talk of the photon band goes back to the 90's, 80's and further back to ancient cultures who may have had knowledge from previous times our planet passed through this field.
Where are we now::
So with that said it is my observation both through reading and personal experience that indeed we are sitting in this light and in some ways the new earth is here. What is see is a change happening from this new energy, here are some diagrams I have made to try and visualize this sensation.
The Galactic Core Beam is the high frequency wave coming from the center of our Milky Way galaxy, it has a steady and fast frequency measured to be constant. This tone is HUGE, very fast, enlightened vibration.
As the galaxy core is bathing the earth in its tone the natural (or un-natural!) frequency of the Earth is changing to resonate with this tone. I see the galactic tone as having a much more significant amplitude than our lonely planet so our Earth, and all of it's living and non-living inhabitants are having their individual and collective vibes changing to harmonize and resonate with this tone.
This shows the beam or wave intersecting with our planet (not to scale) The lower left portion of the picture has a detailed diagram of what I see occurring with this blending of frequencies.
We can see that the Core wave still has a constant rate, while the blue one of the Earth is accelerating. Outlines in red/magenta are the intersections or collision points of these waves. They are gradually happening more frequently and eventually will unite as one tone, THUS as all matching waves align, increase amplitude.
On Earth now::
I have felt moments of pure excitement, calmness, clarity and passion hit me like a brick wall. At this point it is something that I choose to lean into its current and let take me away. This I feel is the new Earth tone, when these intersections occur it might not be the brightest for yourself from our linear perspective, sometimes I have had back pain, neck pain, gotten ill from this but following these random aliments I have bounced back anew and stronger, I see this as adjusting myself to the new energies.
I have felt these collisions happening more and more, and there duration seems to be increasing. I believe now the Core tone is hitting us so hard and our planet is harmonizing more and more that we can allow ourselves to lean into this energy whenever we choose.
This does not come from ignoring that we see as evil, sad or bad, but trying to understand the causes and resins behind these things and accept them, still seeing the beauty of the world and magic in these occurrences.
These diagrams help me visualize these strange and new phenomena I am feeling, I hope they may do the same for you.
Peace be with you, love and light,
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