Friday, April 15, 2016

Magic Wands

A hobby that I got in a few years ago was collecting fallen branches from the ground and widening them.  As my interests in mysticism grew I naturally gravitated towards carving wands. I'm lucky to be employed in a part of Austin TX with plenty of 200+ old Oak trees, old Sycamore and Pecan too. 

I wish to cover in this post a few techniques I uses and some of the processes I use in making magic wands.

* I do not carve wands from live twigs or branches, the tree is still using them if there attached and absorbing sunlight. Usually below trees you can find branches that have fallen off from age or wind. A great time to hunt for wands is after storms and sometimes I've lucked out on huge branches that have come down and yielded 10 wands out of a tingle branch!

* If there is a large branch I use my hands to brach it into a smaller "wand-sized" chunk to carry back home. Sometimes a foldable hand saw can help with bugger pieces especially if you want a clean break.

*If wood is wet I let it dry out with sunlight, either outside or through a window. During this step it's a great time to place crystals around our wood, even geometric alignment and intention are great for you discovering more of the flavor or purpose of the soon-to-be-wand. Careful not to forget your wood drying especially if its larger or very wet, sometimes that water steeps into the wood grain and quickly evaporating the water causes expansion and fissuring or cracking in the wood, HOWEVER this can be intentional if you choose to inlay a mineral or crystal in the fissure later.

*I use mostly or only hand tools on my wands, I have a Dremel which I occasionally use but using various sized flat-edge blades (sometimes used for chiseling) works great at holding the stick as you carve the bark away from yourself.

* Here are three different types of wands I made from various trees. As you can see I left the bark on the handle or hilt, this is kind of my style of making wands to accent the natural art of the bark (and to help me remember what kind of wood it is!) You will notice a tapering of the hilt to the shaft of the wand, these are the different layers of wood.
-Top Layer: Bark
-1st Layer: Sapwood
-2nd Layer: Heartwood
-3rd Inner Layer: Pith or Core

*I usually carve of the bark and sapwood layers of the shaft to expose the grain of the wood, this grain or lines in the wood becomes brilliant once sandpapered and finished with stain, varnish or oils.

*Look at your stick and feel how the brach wishes to be carved, I see the natural curves, lichen patches and knots as a good directive influence of how to carve and where to have the handle placed.

*When carving, really focus a lot of energy into the wand clean your mind, your own mood and emotions can have an effect on the wand at every stage of its life. To make a protective healing wand think loving, healing, accepting thoughts maybe hum or whistle a calming serene tune, essentially be the state your making your wand to express.

*After carving a wand I try and make sure the tips of it are smooth in the way I want it, I try and expose and center a small circle thats on both tips, this is the core or pith. The core of the wand is a direct and smooth channel traveling through every branch to every arm of the tree to its truck core. I feel this is a very important part of magic wands.

* next using sandpaper to smoothen out the blade cuts. I use 100grit paper and then move up to 150grit and last 400silica grit to get the shaft and any other parts that require sanding very smooth. I have found it a good idea on occasion to use some sanding on parts of the hilt to give it a smooth grip, this also exposes the top layer of the bark for interesting color combinations.

*Ive been using a mineral oil blend including beeswax for putting a finish on the wood, this has become my favorite due to no unnatural chemicals involved and it seems to bring out the natural color of the wood in a very bright shine.

Here are some wands I made and my descriptions of the qualities that each type of wood posses. I used a mix of book and online research combined with my own feelings and intuition on what each type of wood is bet suited for.

Post Oak Wand:
This curved branch I really smoothed out a lot with sandpaper to maintain its unique curl. I smoothed out the 'window' or hole on the hilt as well. Post Oak and Oak in general is a protective energy, suited well for ceremony and security spells. It has been said that the devil can't touch Oak, legends of the properties of Oak view it as holy, stoic and wise. I feel Oak wands are good for learning mysteries that lead into the light and can help one do well to others. Connected to the elements Air and Fire.

Pecan Wand:
I had an Egyptian vibe from the start of finding this twig, I liked the curve on it reminding me of a scythe or some Egyptian scepter. I burned in an amplification symbol on the hilt with a wood burning tool in the style of some hieroglyphs. I used a Dremel on the hilt to get the band of exposed heartwood. Pecan wood is associated with the element Air and the energies of success, luck and good finance/wealth. 

Sycamore Wand:
My favorite trees, very soft wood to cut into. These trees have shedding bark and as you could assume that archetype is represented in the quality of this wand helping you let things go and detach. Connected to the elements Air and Water this wood has a great and steady flow about it. Sycamore is known to be a potent and magical wood by many peoples including the Native Americans that used to live in my area. 

Last thoughts:

As I have made and used more wands I have found that the wooden wand is only part of your real wand. One can make or obtain a physical vessel but it is an object until the connection is made. For potent and powerful wands build a connection with it, this brings all your intentional energy into the wand bringing it life and the ability to send waves through the ether.  I have some wands that no one has seen or touched to keep the relationship a personal one, safe from others energetic throw up. 

The last thing I wish to say is a cool idea I had and will try soon is making a dream wand, and keeping this under the pillow. I think a specific wand for this point and using it to cast spells before bed would be a great way to enhance dreaming or increase recall. 


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Panama Papers

It's April 7th 2016 here and the Panama Papers are still a very recent and ongoing subject, I thought I would post some various links to information about these papers.

The Huffington Post reports -"secrets from 214K shell companies, 11.5 million documents" this is clearly a much larger data dump than whistleblower Edward Snowden's in 2013.

Here are some links of the first sites that broke this news officially: -The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists -The Gaurdian

I found this interesting considering what some apparent ex-secret military/space program whistleblowers have been talking about, namely David Wilcock and Mr. Goode.

Link to David Wilcock's thoughts on the Panama Papers: -David Wilcock's site

David and others such as Tolec and Simon Parkes have this year talked about Draco forces trying to "sell-out" all the lower cabal forces below them and failed, this leak almost makes me feel like this is the same event but just happening lower on the latter.

Here are two links to sites that talk about they mysterious nature of the papers not having very many America companies and upper crust members. -Politico
Daily Pakistan

I am over all very happy to see these papers, for if they indeed are valid I believe this should be public informations especially concerning the subject matter of these papers. Enough Secrecy. Full & Open disclosure.

This shows what I feel the Panama Papers may be, the tippy-top screwing the top

I can expect this image will continue, more data dumps and hopefully leading us, the people, into increased global awareness of events that we have been lead to believe as truth are not.

Thanks, Love & Light

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Types of Psychic Powers

I will begin this post with a series of links that briefly talk about various "Psychic" or extra-sensory abilities that people report in great numbers around the globe. Throughout history people have held the belief that some or all people has these abilities, in more recent times on our planet many of these people with heightened abilities were given names, Druids, Witches, Warlocks, Shaman, Brujas/Brujos, Magi, and Masters.

It is my belief that these abilities or powers are a very natural part of being human, they may be at times burdens in modern society but ultimately allow us to connect to each other, and larger picture of ourselves and the universe.

Links: International Academy of Consciousness wikipedia Psychic Library (includes Test*) Reality Undefined

My thoughts:

I would also like add some of my own experience and understanding on the areas I am sensitive too. although I have researched some of these many abilities I only wish to speak about what I have personal experience with. I am not a very big fan of labels, classifications in almost any setting but for the sake of this post I would most closely identify with being an Intuitive Empath navigating the sea of "feels" :)

From a young age I had a solid lie detector, it was usually obvious on peoples faces but I could feel myself get uncomfortable  and anxious and then would see the lie on there faces. I would say I have always been sensitive to others but when puberty happened it increased quite a bit, I was not able to understand then that the bombardment of emotions, feeling, thoughts I would experience were not all coming from me, this made public education very challenging.
People who identify as empaths are prone to depression, I would say a lot of this is due to the constant filtering and barriers needed to live "normally" like others (i.e. not in isolation) and the difficulty of balancing that with having social relationships and friends. My own depression was a gift and come into full form in the most beautiful divinely crafted way, this was accepted and necessary for me to go through in order to be who I am now.

I would like to try and describe how it feels to be empathic. It is natural feeling to me now but when others are near my focus is altered, I feel just as my own feelings the pain, the joy and the deeper tones of others. At this day and time I have a series of filters and barriers so that I have more focus on what I identify as myself, I know my feelings and reactions and thoughts.
My filter is like a bubble or priority list, that helps me balance myself and others separation.

Sometimes this filter is broken, I can lax on maintaining this through many habits or lack there of, also surges of extreme emotion or large group's feeling the same way can buff off this filter temporarily. I live in Austin TX in the USA and each year we have some big music/art festivals, during these times of ACL or SXSW I can feel the mass crowds enjoying themselves, loving each other and having fun. I am not found of crowds as much but I enjoy the festivals for the "good vibes" they bring.

I am sensitive to environments, lighting, color and symmetry through all my senses. Visually symmetry gives me a very pleasuring calming feeling with an alert mind, symmetric sounds do the same. Color is a big "feeling-giver" wearing certain colors has impact on my mood.

I would say Empathic abilities are part of my spirit shining through, these are my only natural gifts in terms of powers and abilities.
I do feel there is almost a second category of 'psychic abilities' but only in that they relate to similar directions on a path. These would be learned or trained powers that one can build, in theory anyone can get better and improve with such abilities. This would mean we are all psychic and those we call psychic are just exhibiting more developed abilities.

Love & Light

Understand ~ Accept ~ Forgive


"A great relationship is about two things: First, appreciating the similarities, and second, respecting the differences." -Unknown

"When you say "I" and "my" too much, you loose your capacity to understand the "we" and "our." -Steve Maraboli

"Where there is no love there is no understanding." -Oscar Wilde

"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding." -Albert Einstein

"Understanding your past can help you better understand your future." -Robert Tew

"We are all so desperate to be understood, we forget to be understanding." -Beau Taplin


"Happiness can exist only in acceptance." -George Orwell

"Positive thinking isn't about expecting the best to happen every time, it is about accepting that whatever happens is best for that moment." -Unknown

"What you deny or ignore you delay. What you accept and face, you conquer." -Unknown

"Sometimes your your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows." -Unknown

"The quickest way to get over any issue is acceptance. It is not until you accept the situation at hand that you will begin to heal and move on from the pain." -Miss Raina 


"Forgiveness stops the wheel of karma"- Law of One

"Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them." -Bruce Lee

"Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it." -Mark Twain

"Everything is just as it needs to be. And if we would forgive, our minds and hearts would open and we could see another possibility." -Iyanla Vanzant

"If they don't forgive you, you just have to forgive yourself, and realize that you've done all that you could to make it right." -Sonya Parker

My own thoughts:

I think about what it feels to have resentment and anger towards someone, Usually my first response is a very mental and separating as well {they must be wrong, or foolish in this matter} or I might even go as far to judge who they are and belittle there character in my thoughts to make myself feel more righteous. 
I rationalize that at least I am not insulting them or fighting, but still I don't feel serenity.

The more I learn in this young body of mine I see we really are all the same, or at least cut from the same cloth. Identifying at times as an Empath I am very sensitive to the feelings of others, it hits my core and I relate with their sensations, I am grateful for this sensitivity but also feel this we all have. 
Any time I cause harm to another somewhere within myself there is turmoil, and for any action of mine to others/& the world, by the wheel of karma turning I do this action to myself.

But it is even in not forgiving and HOLDING the grudge that I hurt myself. 

The mental fear, anger, and resentment I hold to others is a poisonous gas I cloak myself in that carries over others near me, I feed those I resent this poison without intention. 

At this point in time I see forgiveness as mandatory if I am to exist and experience life in which the way my heart desires. 

I like the order of Understand, Accept, and then Forgive in this idea but I do not see any rigidness needed for any of these concepts. 

thanks, love & light.

Earth Pictures (1st post)

I wanted to start this Blog by posting some beautiful pictures of our Planet, I feel a warmth inside when I see nature's beauty and these are locations I will go to eventually :)
Photos are from google of Venezuela, Iceland, Russia, Argentina, Arizona, and Texas.
(more or less in that order)